The premier show will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19, in the
The exposition will feature earth-friendly ideas, products, programs and services of inventors, companies and concerned groups from throughout the world in a consumer show format. It is designed to showcase ways to help people adopt a green lifestyle and combat global warming, green building products, ways to “invest” green, hybrid automobiles and retrofits, renewable energy sources, resource-enhancing products, carbon offsets, educational toys, eco-friendly home décor, family fun items and plenty of surprising fresh thinking! Special seminars and guest speakers will be featured both days.
The show is a collaborative effort of Rick Huff, Mary Ryland and Diane Shoudt, founders of Green Ideas Shows, LLC. This team brings expertise in marketing, advertising, public relations and trade show production and management to the endeavor along with a commitment to help the planet by helping people to think and live green.
In addition to having a law degree and experience in real estate, Christina Brown coordinates public presentations on green topics. She has “a real passion for green building, water conservation and green innovation in general.” For more information, please contact Ms. Brown at 877-GR-IDEAS (474-3327), or locally at 883-9657, or visit