(For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Travelers)
As an all-around destination for the LGBTQ+ traveler, Albuquerque celebrates diversity. Encounter enchanting art and performances, exquisite cuisine featuring the flavors and spices of New Mexico, and the gorgeous high-desert landscapes. We are a broad and beautiful community.
That said, it is difficult to direct you to a “gay neighborhood” or area. In any one of our unique neighborhoods—from Old Town to Nob Hill—visitors can shop, eat and experience our culture in ways that transcend a common LGBTQ+ visitor-guide narrative.
Albuquerque's gay-friendly hot spots include Effex Nightclub, where nights are always epically fun, and Sidewinders, which has dancing, karaoke, pool, and drag and burlesque performances. Numerous local businesses are gay-owned.
Albuquerque's Pride Fest, at Expo NM (where the New Mexico State Fair is held), is our popular annual celebration of New Mexico's LGBTQ+ community. Another fantastic event is the The Way Out West Film Fest, one of New Mexico's largest film festivals. Films on display showcase LGBTQ+ experiences.
Diverse cultures, authentic art and vibrant traditions have shaped the centuries-old story of Albuquerque. Experience a history that continues to unfold, with premier cultural events, distinctive attractions, family activities, museumsand shopping. Nowhere is the confluence of past and present more dramatic than in Albuquerque, where the modern city skyline is set against a backdrop of the Sandia Mountains.
Same-sex marriage became legal statewide through a ruling by the New Mexico Supreme Court on December 19, 2013. Albuquerque celebrates diversity and welcomes the LGBTQ community with our Southwestern hospitality.
Learn more about LGBTQ+ friendly things to do in Albuquerque and community resources through the New Mexico OUT Business Alliance and at nmoba.org.