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Please use our media library for downloadable images and usage rights.Perfectly located, TownePlace Suites Albuquerque Airport welcomes you with a seamless blend of comfort, convenience and style.
Make yourself at home in our contemporary, fully redesigned hotel suites, which offer separate areas for working and relaxing, in addition to modern kitchens. Free Wi-Fi keeps you connected during your stay, and a flat-screen TV and plush bedding will ensure relaxation after a day of excitement in Albuquerque.
Start your day with our delicious free breakfast buffet, or enjoy a workout in the hotel fitness center. In addition to being near the airport, we're just a short distance from some of Albuquerque's top attractions, including the historic Old Town, the University of New Mexico and Nob Hill.
And we offer excellent rates for groups as well. Whether you're visiting for an extended business stay or on vacation with your family, we know you'll love it here at TownePlace Suites Albuquerque Airport.
Save money on Albuquerque and New Mexico restaurants, shopping, hotels, attractions, theater and more. Create... More
The city of Albuquerque sits at a mile above sea level (5,000-6,000 ft. elevation) and has a high-desert... More
Albuquerque has fun for all ages, see our family fun page to learn more! More