QR code directing to Resident Sentiment Survey: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/99nifaxveqhjdcm9rfiv1/Resident-Sentiment-Survey.png?rlkey=nez3htuqac5jt8ijqbqqt0lbq&st=f547fx7c&dl=0
Media Contact:
Brenna Moore/Visit Albuquerque
Office: (505) 222-4349
Visit Albuquerque Encourages Residents to Participate in Survey About the City
Survey drives input into the Destination Master Plan process
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – (April 25, 2024) – Visit Albuquerque – in coordination with the global firm JLL and insights organization Future Partners – has released a resident sentiment survey to collect feedback about the city’s quality of life for locals and its appeal as a destination for travelers. Information from survey respondents will be used to help develop a Destination Master Plan (DMP) for Albuquerque. The DMP is a long-term, comprehensive approach to strengthening the city’s attractiveness and competitiveness as a destination.
“Local voices are an important component of the plan development process,” Tania Armenta, President & CEO of Visit Albuquerque. “We invite city residents to take part in our online survey to ensure the DMP is as comprehensive and inclusive as possible.”
To develop the DMP, Visit Albuquerque is partnering with the global tourism and destination advisory division of JLL – a global real estate services company – in coordination with industry, business and City leaders. The in-depth planning process will set a strategic vision for Albuquerque as a top travel destination and result in a 10-year roadmap designed to strengthen Albuquerque as a thriving destination for leisure travelers, meetings and events while balancing the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.
The 12-month planning process began last fall and will identify industry opportunities and challenges with recommended strategies for momentum and improvement to be implemented over a 10-year period. The planning process will also seek to find balance with community and promote industry-wide support for responsible travel principles and strategies for key issues. Most importantly, the process will include a broad spectrum of industry and community engagement.
The resident sentiment survey asks locals to provide their thoughts on what makes Albuquerque special, community successes and obstacles, and suggestions for enhancing the resident and visitor experience. By securing buy-in from a variety of public and private groups, the DMP will help align internal and external stakeholders to ensure that the entire community shares in the benefits of tourism, meetings and events.
The resident sentiment survey is open through May 17. There is also a visitor survey available for anyone who has visited or is planning a trip to Albuquerque, and a stakeholder survey for those involved in the local tourism and hospitality industry. More information on the DMP can be found at VisitABQ.org/DMP.
“With input from residents, past and future visitors, and stakeholders in the hospitality industry, we can form a clearer picture of the direction to take to elevate Albuquerque’s status as a top place to visit and a great place to live,” said Armenta.
About Visit Albuquerque
Visit Albuquerque is an accredited destination marketing organization (DMO), and a private, not-for-profit organization [501(c)(6)]. As the city’s official DMO, the mission of Visit Albuquerque is to stimulate economic growth by marketing Albuquerque as a convention, sports and visitor destination. For more information, go to www.VisitABQ.org.