Visit Albuquerque prohibits users from downloading images from our website.

Please use our media library for downloadable images and usage rights.


Get More Info on Route 66

 If you’re looking for more information about the Route 66 centennial, please contact:

Visit Albuquerque

20 First Plaza NW, Suite 601
Albuquerque, NM 87102

City of Albuquerque

400 Marquette Ave. NW, #605
Albuquerque, NM 87102

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Visit Albuquerque's Terms and Conditions are detailed here in our Privacy Policy

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For media and press questions, please contact:

Brenna Moore

Director of Communications & Public Relations

If you need pictures, just follow these steps and you'll be able to download images of Albuquerque’s attractions, events, restaurants, venues, scenery and more.

  1. Click THIS LINK (works best with Google Chrome or Firefox)
  2. Create a profile.
  3. Select the photos or images you'd like to use.
  4. Request permission to download your selected images, and give us a brief description of your intended use of the assets. Note: If requesting permission to multiple images, hit the "Select" button in the bottom right corner of the image window. Once you have finished selecting the photos you'd like to use, hit the "View Selection" button to review and request permission to all selected images simultaneously. 
  5. The Visit Albuquerque team will review your request and grant you permission to download the images within two business days. You’ll find confirmation of your requests and download permissions in your email inbox. 
  6. Remember to give credit when credit is listed.  

Photos are available free of charge for editorial usage by media, meeting planners and travel trade professionals. However, all advertising and commercial use is prohibited.

For more information on Route 66 press trips, click here.