Reception February 1, 2008 at 6pm * Eastdale Shopping Center (Eubank & Candelaria NE)
Work will remain hanging throughout the month.
Siegfried Hahn was born in Randfontein, Transvaal, South Africa. He became an American citizen in 1973.
His studies and awards include:
The Fine Arts School, Capetown University, South Africa
The Royal Academy, London, England
The Turner Gold Medal and Scholarship (awarded by the Trustees of the Bequest of Joseph Mallord William Turner, the English Landscape Master)
The Creswick Prize and Scholarship
The Landseer Prize and Scholarship
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
Elected the full membership of Sociètè dès Artistes Indèpendants, Paris France, 1959.
Awarded first prize for painting by the city of Bourges, France, 1966
The Fine Arts School, Capetown University, South Africa
The Royal Academy, London, England
The Turner Gold Medal and Scholarship (awarded by the Trustees of the Bequest of Joseph Mallord William Turner, the English Landscape Master)
The Creswick Prize and Scholarship
The Landseer Prize and Scholarship
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
Elected the full membership of Sociètè dès Artistes Indèpendants, Paris France, 1959.
Awarded first prize for painting by the city of Bourges, France, 1966
From Jacques Maroger, Director of the Louvre Laboratories, Paris, France, he acquired the lost methods of the great masters in oil painting and use of their mediums. He directed the drawing and painting school of the American Colony in Paris and Normandy, France, from 1957 to 1967. Thereafter, he continued instructing students in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has exhibited in one-man and group showings in Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Austria, and the United States. His paintings enhance numerous public and private collections throughout the world. As a portraitist, his commissions have been worldwide. Among these commissions was that of Umberto of Savoy, ex-King of Italy.