“We are thrilled that Ron has been appointed to serve on this board,” said Dale Lockett, President & CEO of Visit Albuquerque. “This appointment provides the Albuquerque tourism industry with an important voice on the national level and Ron is an excellent representative.”
The board’s primary responsibilities are to provide counsel to the Secretary of Commerce on government policies and programs affecting the industry, offer counsel on current and emerging issues, and serve as a forum for discussing and proposing solutions to industry-related concerns.
“I am honored to represent Albuquerque, our pueblo partners and the entire Southwest region on such an incredible national platform,” said Solimon. “At a time when many important decisions are being made in travel and tourism on both a national and international level, I am looking forward to the opportunity to join this talented group.”
Solimon, a member of the Pueblo of Laguna Indian Tribe of New Mexico, has been involved with the tourism industry for 10 years and has served on Visit Albuquerque’s Board of Directors for more than five years. In addition to Visit Albuquerque, Solimon serves on several boards including the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, Walking Shield of California, the New Mexico Workforce Development Board, the New Mexico Commission on Community Volunteerism, the Tourism Association of New Mexico (TANM) and the Laguna Development Corporation (LDC).
Solimon joins a prestigious group of industry leaders appointed from many different geographic areas of the country. Appointees represent travel and tourism sectors ranging from hotel and restaurant businesses to financial services and transportation. The Secretaries of State, Homeland Security and Transportation also serve on the Advisory Board as ex officio, non-voting members.
For a complete listing of appointees, please visit: http://www.tinet.ita.doc.gov/TTAB/TTAB_Members.html.