Albuquerque, NM – The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree ( will be making a stop at the Albuquerque armory on Nov. 13 for a festive holiday celebration open to the public.
The Tree, hailing from the White River National Forest near Meeker, CO., will be on display from 4:30-6:30pm on Nov. 13 at the New Mexico National Guard Armory building located at 600 Wyoming Blvd. NE in Albuquerque. Hot chocolate, cookies and a large holiday card will be on hand to sign. All festivities associated with the Tree are open to the public and free for all to enjoy.
Albuquerque is just one stop along the 23-day U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree National Tour as the tree makes its way to Washington, D.C. On November 2, the 2012 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree will be harvested in the White River National Forest, near Meeker, CO. The tree will then be wrapped and transported to Washington, D.C. on a custom-decorated Mack Pinnacle model truck which will be driven by former U.S. Senator, Ben Nighthorse Campbell. The U.S. Forest Service with help from their nonprofit partner, Choose Outdoors, will be bringing the tree to Albuquerque.
As the Tree travels the country, it will carry a message about sustainable forestry as well as invite people to assist with raising funds for the Forest Restoration Challenge. This challenge was set up to help areas impacted by the massive wildfires which devastated areas near Colorado Springs and Fort Collins in the spring of 2012.
Those interested in donating to the cause can text any dollar amount to 303-502-5858 then donors will then be ask for some basic information to complete the donation. In addition, Toys for Tots will be accepting donations of toys at the event.
“We are honored this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree will make a stop in Albuquerque," said Roger Newall, Veterans Affairs Liaison with the City of Albuquerque. “Our city not only gets to be a part of a gift to the nation, but we are also presented with the opportunity to give back to both our communities and forests during the Albuquerque event. The New Mexico National Guard has really stepped up to make this a successful event.”
Special events and opportunities to view the tree are being planned in every stop across the country. “We’re working with city officials and volunteers across the country to make the 2012 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree tour an unforgettable experience of both giving back and celebrating the holiday season,” said Bruce Ward, founder of Choose Outdoors, the U.S. Forrest Service's nonprofit partner.
Upon arrival in Washington, D.C., the Tree will be placed on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol and decorated with more than 5,000 ornaments handmade by Colorado children depicting the Tree’s theme, “Celebrating the Great Outdoors.” In early December, a Tree lighting ceremony will take place and will be available for public viewing throughout the holiday season.
Costs associated with the tree's transportation and tour events are made possible by contributions by individuals, corporations and local communities. Major sponsors include the Colorado Tourism Office, Mack Trucks and The National Association of Convenience Stores.
To track the tree’s route, visit or you can also follow the tree on Facebook (, Twitter ( and Pinterest (
About Choose Outdoors:
Choose Outdoors is a coalition for outdoor recreation comprised of people and organizations who are passionate about outdoor recreation, support public lands, waters, and the agencies charged with their care.
About the White River National Forest:
The 2.3 million acre White River National Forest is located in west/central Colorado. Providing a vast array of outdoor recreation experiences, the White River hosts more than 9 million visitors per year and is the number one forest for recreation in the country. In addition to world-class recreation and abundant wildlife populations, the White River supports activities such as grazing, timber harvest, mining, and oil and gas development that are crucial to the economies of western Colorado.