ALBUQUERQUE, NM – The Visit Albuquerque (Visit Albuquerque) has once again been recognized with an outstanding achievement award at the 2009 Best Idea Program Achievement Awards. The annual event, sponsored by the Western Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus (WVisit Albuquerque), showcases innovative projects and creative marketing strategies as submitted by WVisit Albuquerque members.

Visit Albuquerque’s “Best Idea Award” is a result of the “Life of a Brown Paper Bag” project, a holiday viral video that was used to creatively inform and showcase Albuquerque as a unique destination with a message from Visit Albuquerque staff to its audiences. The in-house video took a humorous approach to the many uses for a brown paper bag, ending with New Mexico’s unique holiday luminaria tradition.

Visit Albuquerque was one of four organizations in the Western U.S. to receive a “Best Idea Award” at the 2009 WVisit Albuquerque Annual Meeting in October in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Fresno City & Country Convention and Visitors Bureau, Travel Portland and the Sonoma County Tourism Bureau were the other recipients.

This marks the second consecutive year that the bureau has earned the award.
