The Collector’s Guide features galleries , artist studios, and museums in Santa Fe, Taos, and Albuquerque as well as surrounding areas. Feature articles by local arts writers and critics are also included, as are glossaries of art vocabulary such as glass terms, Native American art terms, and Hispanic folk art terms. Maps and resources for arts services, dining and lodging are also listed.
Each gallery or artist studio listed in the printed Guide also has a presence on the extensive Web site ( The Web site also features a searchable database of art and artists as well as a calendar listing hundreds of arts events. Other Wingspread services include weekly radio broadcasts of Gallery News on KHFM 95.5; free weekly email newsletter of openings and events; and audio broadcasts available on the Web site and via podcast subscription.
Publisher: Active Interest Media
Books in print since 1986: 3,987,000
Number of artists in the current Guide’s artist index: 6,216
Number of Galleries and organizations represented in the current Guide: 272 (368 pages)
Number of Galleries and organizations represented in the first Guide: 94 (72 pages) Web site: online since 1995
Average Web site visitors: 2000-4000 daily; more than 21 million Web site hits per year
Gallery News Radio program: on air since June 30, 1988
Number of email subscribers to the weekly Gallery News: over 2,000
Through a printed Guidebook, the World Wide Web, and weekly radio programs, The Collector’s Guide serves art buyers and browsers seeking information about the arts and culture of New Mexico. We strive to be a trusted partner in the business of art by being the most knowledgeable, helpful and friendly resource to artists, art galleries, museums, and art service providers of New Mexico.