About David J. Peterson: David J. Peterson is the co-founder and the president of the Language Creation Society (www.conlang.org), a non-profit dedicated to promoting the art and science of language creation. David holds BAs in English and Linguistics from the University of California Berkley San Diego. He has created over a dozen languages, including the Dothraki language for HBO’s hit series, Game of Thrones.
When: Friday February 10, 2012
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Where: Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center, 330 Tijeras Ave NW
Admission: $5 all proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society of Albuquerque
The event is hosted by the Southwest Texas Popular/American Culture Association, Dr. Lynnea Chapman King, Executive Director, Dr. Ken Dvorak, Secretary/Treasurer.