June 14 Cochiti Drum Making Workshop. Come make your own drum. 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Gabe Yellowbird, of Cochiti Pueblo, will be offering a hands-on workshop teaching the techniques for making Cochiti style drums. Sign up in advance as space is limited. This event is limited to individuals of at least 16 years of age, and there will be a $30 fee for this all day workshop.
June 28 Children’s Archaeology Day, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Includes activities at the Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site and a field trip to Sandia Cave. Ages 9 to 14. Bring sack lunch, water, must have a sun hat and wear sunscreen, wear hiking shoes and old clothes. Fee is $10.00 per child. Space is limited so sign up in advance.
July 19 Children’s Archaeology Day, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Includes activities at the Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site and a field trip to the Wildlife West Nature Park. Ages 9 to 14. Bring sack lunch, water, must have a sun hat and wear sunscreen, wear hiking shoes and old clothes. Fee is $10.00 per child. Space is limited so sign up in advance.
August 9 Saturday Afternoon at Tijeras Pueblo, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Come learn about traditional techniques for making fire. Sean Gantt will be discussing and demonstrating bow drill fire making. Participants will learn the bow drill method for making fire through hands-on instruction.
August 16 Children’s Archaeology Day, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Includes activities at the Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site and a field trip to the Archaeology Museum in Cedar Crest. Ages 9 to 14. Bring sack lunch, water, must have a sun hat and wear sunscreen, wear hiking shoes and old clothes. Fee is $10.00 per child. Space is limited so sign up in advance.
Aug.30-31 Pottery Workshop, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Come make your own pot. Michael Kanteena of Laguna Pueblo, will be offering a hands-on workshop teaching the techniques for making Pueblo style pottery. Sign up in advance as space is limited. There will be a $50.00 fee for this two day workshop. You must be able to attend both days.
Sept. 20 Flintknapping Workshop, with master flintknapper, Luther Rivera. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. There is a $30.00 fee for this workshop, and it will be limited to individuals of at least 16 years of age. Proceeds will benefit the Friends of Tijeras Pueblo, a non-profit volunteer organization. Space is limited so sign up in advance.
Ongoing Summer events:
All summer Living with the Land, tour the Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site, which is located directly behind Sandia Ranger Station. Take a self-guided tour any time during daylight hours (stop at Ranger Station for directions). If you would like a guided tour, call 281-3304 two weeks in advance to schedule your tour.
All summer Kids! Become a Junior Ranger! Earn a badge or patch! Here’s how:
1) Visit the Sandia Crest Info Center, Four Seasons Visitor Center (top of the Tram), or Doc Long Picnic Area (weekends) with your mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparents or other guardian 2) Ask a ranger for a worksheet and explore our nature trail. 3) Return your worksheet to a ranger. (Be sure to get your worksheets some time between 10 am and 3 pm so you can turn it in to a ranger before we close.) Labor Day Weekend
All summer Kids! Become a Junior Archaeologist! Earn a button and certificate! Here’s how: 1) Visit the Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site (behind Sandia Ranger Station) with your mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparents or other guardian 2) Ask a ranger at the Ranger Station Front Desk for a worksheet and take the self-guided trail through Tijeras Pueblo. 3) Return your worksheet to the ranger. (Be sure to start your visit any time between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, weekdays or weekends.)
All Summer Exploring the Sandias, guided walks and talks at the Four Seasons Visitor Center at the top of Sandia Peak Tram and at Sandia Crest Information Center. Free. Call 242-4177 or 248-0190 for more information.
Saturdays Celebrating Wildflowers! Come and see what’s blooming in the Sandias! For a flyer with locations and where to meet call 281-3304. Hikes are free but parking fees apply in most areas. Every Saturday, 9:00 am (May 24 – Sept. 6).
Tuesdays Tuesday Morning Bird Walks, discover birds in several distinct mountain habitats, from spruce-fir forests to riparian woodlands. Locations will be scouted weekly for best viewing. Meet at Sandia Ranger Station Tuesday mornings May 1 – Oct. 30. Meet at 8:30 am May 1 – May 29 and Oct. 2 – Oct. 30. Meet at 8:00 am June 5 – Sept. 25.
Monthly Star Party! Astronomy Night at the Oak Flat Picnic Ground, Juniper Area. Saturdays: May 31, June 28, July 26, August 23, September 6, October 4. Stargazing starts at sunset. Come earlier with a picnic supper and flashlights. Features telescopes from the Albuquerque Astronomical Society. Free. Call 281-3304 for directions.
Programs are sponsored by the Sandia Ranger District on the Cibola National Forest, the Friends of Tijeras Pueblo, the Friends of the Sandia Mountains, and The Albuquerque Astronomical Society.