Albuquerque, NM (Sept. 4, 2013) -  Hot air balloons, Yucca flowers, red & green chile and much more will be on display this October at the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid, but not in the way that you might imagine. From Oct. 3-7, 2013, Albuquerque will be host to the Pacific Coast OrigamiUSA Convention, bringing several hundred origami artists and students to the Duke City. 

The convention will feature an Origami Exhibition open to the public on both Saturday and Sunday from 11am-4pm, as well as classes designed for convention-attendees offered Friday-Sunday. Classes range from simple (no previous folding experience required) to Supercomplex (able to follow intricate sequences, precise moves, etc.) therefore welcoming origami creators of all backgrounds.

"Everything from roses and calla lilies to guitars and dragons can be crafted out of paper," said Patty Grodner with the Albuquerque Origami Society. "This conference is an opportunity to not only increase your paper-folding skills but also to observe the works of others and build a fellowship among folding friends. We are also welcoming some guest artists that are truly some of the top origami masters in the world today that will really show you what can be achieved with paper."

Saturday night will feature a banquet with beautiful centerpieces designed specifically for the conference and there will be all night folding areas for those that would rather fold than sleep. New Mexico-themed origami creations from a Southwestern bowl to an origami ristra will be raffled off and attendees are encouraged to participate in the Design Challenge: crafting their own Jackalope of the American Southwest. 

There is still space available for those interested in participating in the conference. Conference details and registration information can be found at

Members of the media are welcome to attend any of the sessions, but are encouraged to contact the conference committee for more details and/or to make arrangements for interviews: