“If you live outside of Bernalillo, the train really is the best way to get here,” said Maria Rinaldi, Executive Director of the New Mexico Wine Festival. “The train has really become an integral part of our event to get people to and from the festival safely and efficiently.”
The New Mexico Wine Festival will be held Saturday, August 31st through Monday, September 2nd from noon to 7 p.m. Passengers will exit the train at the Sandoval County/US 550 station and can take the short walk to the entrance of the festival or take a free shuttle.
The New Mexico Wine Festival attracts about 25,000 people each year. More than 20 wineries from across the state will offer up free tastings and sales by the glass, as well as the opportunity to purchase bottles and cases. There are also a variety of food vendors, live entertainment and a juried art show. Once again, the festival also showcases some of New Mexico’s finest agriculture. There is even a dedicated “Kids Zone” area for the youngsters.
Train passengers are encouraged to buy their tickets online before getting to the train station. Those who purchase their train tickets in advance on the Rail Runner website will receive a $1 discount off their train ticket. NM Wine Festival tickets can also be purchased online at newmexicowinefestival.com.
Find the complete Rail Runner schedule here.