“This new Saturday and Sunday Rail Runner schedule represents a happy medium meeting both budget costs while still providing a variety of service with decent arrival and departure times for our riders”, says Dewey Cave, Executive Director for the Mid-Region Council of Governments.
New Weekend Rail Runner Schedule – September 10th
• The first northbound trains on both Saturday and Sunday will arrive at the Santa Fe Depot earlier (10:16 a.m.) allowing people to spend more time at the Farmer’s Market and other Santa Fe events
• There will now be a train leaving Santa Fe at 9:00 p.m. (instead of 6:30 p.m.)on Saturday nights, allowing people to travel to Santa Fe, have dinner and then return south
• The last train departing Belen to Albuquerque will now leave at 9:05 p.m. on Saturday (instead of 7:10 p.m.)
• The Saturday and Sunday schedule will be in effect until November 5th, at which time a new Winter Weekend schedule will begin
• The Winter Weekend schedule will include fewer trains on Saturday – a schedule pretty similar to the current Sunday schedule
• We will return to a summer weekend schedule with more frequent Saturday trains in April 2012.
To see the full details on all of the schedule changes, visit nmrailrunner.com