ALBUQUERQUE, NM - The New Mexico Veterans' Memorial invites the public to a special ceremony honoring veterans of all branches of service on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 10 a.m.- noon. The day begins with a Veterans Day Parade that launches from Bullhead Park at 9 a.m. and travels east on Gibson from San Mateo to Louisiana, then north on Louisiana to the New Mexico Veterans' Memorial.
Following the parade is a musical prelude at 10 a.m. by New Mexico's only official American Legion band, the Dukes of Albuquerque, followed by a Color Flight Formation by Team Kirtland Airmen.
The ceremony at 11 a.m. will feature a rendition of "Armed Forces on Parade," the Posting of Colors, the National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, presentation of state flags and opening remarks by Mayor Richard J. Berry.
Maj. Gen. Matthew Molloy, commander of the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center at Kirtland Air Force Base, will deliver the keynote address. General Molloy reports directly to the Air Force Chief of Staff regarding the test and evaluation of more than 76 major programs valued at more than $650 billion being assessed at 12 different locations.
The ceremony ends with a Rifle Volley, Cannon Salute, the playing of "Taps" and bagpipes. Final remarks by Ken O'Keefe, United Veterans Council and the Retiring of Colors will be followed by a recessional by the Dukes of Albuquerque.
Parking and continuous shuttle service provided by the Department of Senior Affairs from Gibson/Louisiana Blvd. at the Kirtland Federal Credit Union.
While at the New Mexico Veterans' Memorial, please take time to visit the many special tributes.
The New Mexico Veterans' Memorial is located at 1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE in Albuquerque.