WHAT: Nature Journaling for Beginners
WHERE: Open Space Visitor Center |
WHEN: Saturday, May 24, 2008 | 9:30 AM - Noon
FEE: 10 dollars
INSTRUCTION: Call 897-8831 to register
CONTACT: Jodi Hedderig | Parks & Recreation Dept., Open Space Division | 505-897-8831 | jhedderig@cabq.gov | www.cabq.gov/openspace.
During the course of our busy day we may not notice the first spring bloom at the sidewalk edge or the return of the robin’s urgent song. We may not even notice that the river has swollen with melted snow or that a winged insect zigzags through the air. Yet, if we take just a few moments to observe the natural world we may be surprised by the profound impact it has on our quality of life.
Nature journaling demands that we slow down, observe, and take note of the color, shape, detail, poetry, and prose of a moment in nature in drawings and words. Artist, Margy O’Brien, says, “My own journals and sketchbooks allow me the pleasure of discovering something for myself, reading directly from nature.” She continues, “I gain insight into myself, sharpen my senses and recover from the desensitization of modern life.”
Join celebrated artist, Margy O’Brien, on Saturday, May 24 from 9:30AM to Noon and learn how to begin your own nature journal. Prior art experience is not necessary. You will need a blank sketch book of your choice, pencils and any art supplies you enjoy using. Please prepare for the outdoors and bring sun protection, water and a portable stool or blanket for your comfort. Workshop fee is $10.00 per person. Space is limited to 20 people, 10 years old and above. Call 897-8831 to register.
Margy O’Brien’s artwork can be viewed at the Open Space Visitor Center; at the outdoor wildlife viewing blind, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park; and at the Elena Gallegos Picnic Area, along the ‘Cottonwood Springs’ ADA/interpretive trail.
The Open Space Visitor Center is located at 6500 Coors Blvd. NW between Montaño Rd. and Paseo del Norte at the end of Bosque Meadows Rd. The Center is open Tuesday through Sunday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and closed Mondays. Call 897-8831 for more information or visit www.cabq.gov/openspace/visitorcenter.