Despite our snowmaking crews best efforts, La Nina has provided very difficult conditions for snowmaking and we just aren't ready to open.  On a positive note, the forecast for the coming weeks is improved with cooler temperatures and maybe even some snow.  We are confident that our snowmaking crews will take round two.

We anticipate a limited opening of the lower mountain. Lifts open will include the Super Chief Quad, Easy Street Double Chair, Chipmunk Corner Conveyor and Pine Flats Conveyor.  Trails open will include Midland, Easy Street, Pine Flats and Chipmunk Corner.

All facilities will be open including La Casa Lodge, La Casa Café, Ski Santa Fe Sports Shop, Ski & Snowboard Rental Shop, BAZ Coffee Bar and Totemoff's Bar and Grill. Join us at the Snow Sports School and Chipmunk Corner Children's Center for a ski or snowboard lesson and get your season started right.

Hope to see you on the mountain opening day!  Think Snow!!!

Visit our website at for up-to-date information.