Albuquerque, NM - Back by popular demand, The Peking Acrobats return for another performance of incredible athleticism. Accompanied by a live Chinese orchestra, the group features highly skilled jugglers, contortionists, and gymnasts for an afternoon of thrills and wonder. The internationally renowned troupe will be at Popejoy Hall on Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3 p.m.

Chinese acrobatic traditions can be traced back over 2000 years.Acrobatic groups formed among working people in China, utilizing common household items like chairs and tables in their stunts. Today, many acrobats begin training as early as five years old. The Peking Acrobats choose the most skilled athletes to join their troupe. The group has performed across the United States and Europe for sold out performances and has been featured in multiple television shows and films, including Ocean's 11 and its two sequels.

The Peking Acrobats offer a wide variety of tricks and stunts in their show, each relying on outstanding strength, flexibility, balance, and agility. Individual performers contort their bodies into knots, juggle with their hands and feet, and balance spinning plates on sticks. From creating a human pyramid on a moving bicycle to their famous Lion Dance, the performers use their collective talent to create a show with one phenomenal stunt after another.

Tickets for The Peking Acrobats are on sale now for $59, $39, $29, $20. Tickets can be purchased at UNM Ticket Offices at the UNM Bookstore and Dreamstyle Arena (The Pit). Tickets can be purchased online at or To charge by phone, call (877) 664-8661 or (505) 925-5858. Group orders of 10 or more may be placed by calling (505) 344-1779.