Wielding scissor and glue sticks, students spend the ?rst half of class creating their own individual collages. Then, through writing, inner re?ection, and lively group discussion, participants will spend the second half discovering and developing tools to delve into the vital, deeply personal messages nestled within their work.
Dante Jericho is an energy healer, mystic and collage teacher and artist. She is the author of “Sacred Changes, Sacred Choices: Meditations from the I Ching.”
WHERE: Open Space Visitor Center | 6500 Coors Blvd NW at the end of Bosque Meadows Rd. between Montaño and Paseo del Norte
WHEN: Sunday, July 31| 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
FEE: $20
The Open Space Visitor Center is located at 6500 Coors Blvd. NW between Montaño Rd. and Paseo del Norte at the end of Bosque Meadows Rd. The Center is open Tuesday through Sunday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and closed Mondays. Call 897-8831 for more information or visit www.cabq.gov/openspace/visitorcenter.html