A new effort called“Bring Your Meeting Home” encourages residents who are members of national organizations to invite their group to Albuquerque. The mission of the Visit Albuquerque is to stimulate economic growth by marketing the city as a visitor and convention destination on a daily basis. This campaign encourages locals to partner with the Visit Albuquerque staff in extending our reach.
“A recommendation by a local member of an organization goes a long way in piquing the interest of a national meeting planner or board of decision makers,” said Rob Enriquez, VP of Convention Sales, Services & Sports at the Visit Albuquerque. “This effort encourages you to invite your fellow members to your hometown.”
The premise is simple – find a contact and send it to the Visit Albuquerque. If the organization ends up choosing Albuquerque for an upcoming meeting, you may be recognized as an Albuquerque Meeting Hero.
This year’s heroes are Ellen Tomberlin, Marilyn Hill and Maryhelen Jones. Together, these three women’s meetings are bringing more than $1.6 million of outside money into our city, just by contacting the Visit Albuquerque to get the process started.
“It’s easy – find a national contact for your organization and provide it the Visit Albuquerque. Our convention sales team will take it from there. By having a local connection to an association or group, we already have our foot in the door for Albuquerque,” said Enriquez.
This year’s meeting heroes are being thanked by locals for their contribution to our economy. See the fun and creative thank-you messages (with cheerleaders, balloons and banjos) on the website: Watch the videos online.
For more information on how to “Bring Your Meeting Home,” information about how meetings and conventions affect our community, as well as how you can become a “Local Meeting Hero,” visit www.MyABQMeeting.com.