Dave Hardy, Operations Director for Sky City Casino said, “This is a huge undertaking for the casino. We will complete the project in three stages. Stage one will consist of the northern third of the casino from the cashier’s cage to the table games. Second will be the center of the casino including table games area and finally from the table games section south to the non-smoking area.”
Brooks Jordan, Entertainment Manager added, “All of the entertainment you’re regularly used to in Club 102 will be suspended through the month of March, which includes Karaoke on Thursday night.” The entertainers in Club 102 will return with a better place to entertain.
Ken Crain, Winner’s Circle Manager added, “Its business as usual in the month of March. Sky City Casino will give away $1000 per day, everyday. We’ll also give away “Stress Teddy Bears” to remind you to ‘Bear with Us’ during the duration of the construction”
Sky City Casino Hotel is a part of Acoma Business Enterprises and is located 45 minutes west of