WHEN: April 12 - May 31, 2008
EVENTS: Saturday, April 12, 6-8pm: Opening reception
Thursday, April 17, 8pm: Cut Up or Shut Up!, an evening of collage fi lms
Saturday, April 19, 10am: Poetry & The Absurd, Dada writing working
Saturday, May 3, 2pm: Gallery Talk
Friday, May 16, 5-8pm: Downtown Artscrawl
WHERE: 516 Central Avenue SW, between 5th & 6th Streets, Downtown Albuquerque
Open Tuesday through Saturday, 12-5pm
516 ARTS is pleased to announce Alchemy: Collage & Assemblage, opening on Saturday, April 12
concurrently with Snap Crackle Pow!, an exhibition of drawings curated by Kathryn M Davis (see separate
press release). Both exhibitions explore a “pieced together” vocabulary of popular culture. Alchemy
celebrates the mediums of collage and assemblage, featuring artists from New Mexico and across
the United States. The exhibition looks at the historic development of these mediums and showcases
contemporary artists who work with cutting, gluing and assembling disparate and often appropriated
images and objects to create something entirely new and original. A process akin to alchemy unifi es the
elements these artists mix together. Alchemy is curated by Suzanne Sbarge.
Featured artists:
Alchemy Collage & Assemblage
Holly Roberts (Corrales, New Mexico)
Brooke Steiger (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Leonard Stokes (Pleasantville, New York)
Maritta Tapanainen (Los Angeles, California)
Andrea Volkoff-Senutovitch (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Miriam Wosk (Los Angeles, California)
Ann Dunbar (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Tony Fitzpatrick (Chicago, Illinois)
Ingrid Freidenbergs (Lakeville, Connecticut)
Gonzalo Fuenmayor (Miami, Florida)
Andrew Ginzel (New York, New York)
Bebe Krimmer (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Michael Pajon (Chicago Illinois)
Alchemy Collage & Assemblage
Holly Roberts (Corrales, New Mexico)
Brooke Steiger (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Leonard Stokes (Pleasantville, New York)
Maritta Tapanainen (Los Angeles, California)
Andrea Volkoff-Senutovitch (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Miriam Wosk (Los Angeles, California)
Ann Dunbar (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Tony Fitzpatrick (Chicago, Illinois)
Ingrid Freidenbergs (Lakeville, Connecticut)
Gonzalo Fuenmayor (Miami, Florida)
Andrew Ginzel (New York, New York)
Bebe Krimmer (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Michael Pajon (Chicago Illinois)
The exhibition includes an ongoing screening of international collage fi lms curated by Bryan Konefsky
and Basement Films, featuring fi lms spanning the past 70 years by artists from Germany, Austria, the
Netherlands and the United States. Artists include Joseph Cornell & Lawrence Jordan, Courtney Egon,
Stan Vanderbeek, Nik Kern, Lewis Klahr, Virgil Widrich, Janie Geiser and Lindsey Testolin. Exhibition
programs include a free screening titled Cut Up or Shut Up! on April 17, kicking off Experiments in Cinema
V3.0, the third annual festival of experimental fi lm (www.basementfilms.org/experiments.html).
and Basement Films, featuring fi lms spanning the past 70 years by artists from Germany, Austria, the
Netherlands and the United States. Artists include Joseph Cornell & Lawrence Jordan, Courtney Egon,
Stan Vanderbeek, Nik Kern, Lewis Klahr, Virgil Widrich, Janie Geiser and Lindsey Testolin. Exhibition
programs include a free screening titled Cut Up or Shut Up! on April 17, kicking off Experiments in Cinema
V3.0, the third annual festival of experimental fi lm (www.basementfilms.org/experiments.html).
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog with an essay by Robert Wilson.
“Collage is a mode of perception, a multi-dimensional language with aesthetic implications that span
the histories of art, architecture, literature, and music....The basic principle of juxtaposition forms
the foundation for an art of limitless associative possibilities. Collage allows the artist to explore
simultaneously the mysterious spaces between high art and popular culture, text and image, fi guration
and abstraction, past and present, two and three-dimensional space.” -- Pavel Zoubok
• Opening Reception: music by Long Gone Trio
Saturday, April 12, 6-8pm
• Opening Reception: music by Long Gone Trio
Saturday, April 12, 6-8pm
• Cut Up or Shut Up! An evening of collage fi lms
Thursday, April 17, 8pm
Thursday, April 17, 8pm
• Poetry & The Absurd: Dada writing workshop
Saturday, April 19, 10am-noon
Saturday, April 19, 10am-noon
Taught by Erika Sanchez; open to teens and adults; workshop fee is $10.
To register: 242-1445 or rhiannon@516arts.org
To register: 242-1445 or rhiannon@516arts.org
• Gallery Talk
Saturday, May 3, 2pm
An informal walk-through of both exhibitions at 516 ARTS with curators and artists.
Saturday, May 3, 2pm
An informal walk-through of both exhibitions at 516 ARTS with curators and artists.