Albuquerque - Are you looking for a getaway vacation following the events and activities of the most photographed event in the world? Have you always wanted to fly in a hot air balloon and experience the quiet wonder of flying over a beautiful landscape? If the answer is yes, we would like to invite you to visit New Mexico take to the skies, to experience the varied events, unique foods, wines and fun of the 2006 “Rainbow Skies” Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, October 6-14, 2007.
For nine days in October, the New Mexico skies are painted as hundreds of balloons lift off from Albuquerque's Balloon Fiesta Park. Nothing rivals the power of Mass Ascension on crisp early mornings as these graceful giants leave the ground to take their place in the cerulean desert sky. For ballooning fans worldwide, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a pilgrimage. There's something for everyone to enjoy . . . whimsical special shapes filled with equal parts of hot air and wonder, and Balloon Glows that create a magical night landscape for spectators to explore.
Celebrating its 36th year, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta “Rainbow Skies” will attract about 900 thousand guests and 700 balloons from around the world. With more than 700 pilots and their crews participating in morning mass ascensions and evening balloon glows, there is always something going on at Balloon Fiesta Park.
There is excitement and adventure to be found both in the air and on the ground. More than 700 balloons launch from 72 grass-covered acres at Balloon Fiesta Park where guests can walk amongst the balloons finding out first hand what it’s like to experience the magic of ballooning. Besides enjoying the spectacle of mass ascensions, balloon glows, fireworks, and exciting hot air and gas balloon competitions, watch professional chainsaw carvers create beautiful art out of wood, or visit the hundreds of booths to sample the great local cuisine and a variety of arts and crafts from across the country. And, for your enjoyment, there are musical performances on the main stage almost every day.
Champagne has played a part in ballooning history since 1783 when the first manned flight landed in the Parisian countryside. Local farmers were wary of this strange fiery sight, so the pilots offered champagne to placate them and celebrate the first human hot air balloon flight. Today, first time passengers still celebrate with champagne, and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta offers Fiesta del Vino on Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, October 7th from 12 noon to 8:00 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for people from across the continent and around the world to savor New Mexico’s award-winning wines.
We think that these tastes, vibrant images and colorful characters will make your visit worthwhile, and we would be delighted to have you be a part of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.
To help you plan your visit, you will find a wealth of on-line information at . There, you will find a complete 2007 schedule, balloon history background, photos, and official Balloon Fiesta weather, and much more.