This week The National Institute of Flamenco hosts the Festival Flamenco Internacional de Alburquerque, the most important and longest-standing flamenco event ourside of Spain. This year the event celebrates it's 30th year of success, with 57 flamenco artists from across the world. Dancers, musicians, and lovers of the art bustle past us on their way to classes and workshops, taught by the professionals. Thunder echos around us as the heels of dozens of dancers crack down against the hollow wooden floors, heavy with emotion. Join us as we go live with Joaquin, one of the founders of the institute as we talk about the festival and the important and thriving year-round flamenco experience in Albuquerque.
Whether you are a beginner or novice, audience member or artist, Albuquerque welcomes you with more flamenco than you thought you could ever experience outside of Sevilla.