We have all heard the refrain for the past few years, "shop local, it will help the local economy," but what does that really mean? After all, convenience-wise it seems like its much easier to go into one of this big boxed-in box-stores that offer a smorgasbords of goods from toe-clippers to skateboards! And cost-wise, isn't it cheaper to shop at the box stores? Well, probably not. According to the article "The Real Cost of Shopping Local" written by Alexandra Gladu:
- Local businesses provide more competition which keeps prices down
- Local stores provide better service, including return policies because decision are made in-house rather than a corporate office in a distant city
- Local goods have less of an environmental impact
- Local farmers' markets and food co-ops offer produce straight from the farm in town rather than shipping food in from other cities
Uniting the Forces of Good
Two well known local organizations, the Downtown Growers Market and the Rail Yards Market have decided to combine their resources to host the first ever Holiday Market at the Rail Yards. The Downtown Growers Market has been in operation since 1996, providing Albuquerque residents with the best offerings of local growers, artists and entertainment. The Rail Yards Market just wrapped up their inaugural season at the Blacksmiths Shop on the Rail Yards site. Throughout the summer, both markets have been committed to building a resilient, sustainable local economy that we all love to work and play in. Through food, art, and music, these markets have brought our community together in an atmosphere of fun, learning, and creativity.
Your Day at the Holiday Market
The Holiday Market will have close to 100 vendors, regulars at both markets and in the community and many new faces as well! There will also be three donation stations around the Holiday Market:
- The Giving Train will be collecting coats, books and bikes (children's)
- The Nourishment Station will be collecting non-perishable food items
- Tailwaggin Temptations Gourmet Dog Treats will be accepting for Pets of the Homeless organization.
For your listening pleasure the Holiday Market will feature four excellent groups:
- Chamber Ensembles
- Albuquerque Civic Chorus
- Los Rondallas de Albuquerque
- Polyphony Marimba
A Diverse Hub of Opportunity
The Holiday Market will be a fantastic celebration of the local culture; presenting an opportunity for the vast diversity of farmers, chefs, and artisans to share their talents, but also a time for us to come together to support and nourish those in need with food, gifts, and supplies. In the spirit of giving, the event will provide a diverse and dynamic hub for the many neighborhoods of Albuquerque to come to together to donate to families and children during the holiday season, and benefit the Barelas neighborhood that has flourished around the cherished and historic Rail Yards.
I could also tell you that according to Keep It 'Querque, "Your dollar recirculates 254% more when you spend it with a Local Retailer. When you dine at a Locally Owned Restaurant your dollar recirculates 287% further. The difference is so strong, according to a Civic Economics Survey of Independent Businesses, "a market shift of just 10% from chains to independents would retain an additional $179 million in the local economy every year." But of greatest importance to me is that I get to meet and shake the hand of the talented folks that grow, cook, my food, and whose hands craft and create the goods I will be giving to my friends and family in our community.
See You Sunday!